What Am I Looking Forward To Seeing in ToyCon 2024?

ToyCon in the Philippines is just around the corner, and if you are as excited as I am, then you’ll make your way to the SM Mall of Asia grounds from June 14-16. There are a lot of toy related experiences to devour with your visit, and here are some of the events I’m looking forward to seeing this weekend.

Firstly, there will be new toylines, and limited edition collectibles released at ToyCon. Among them, two new toybrands will be released by MNDSTYL and the creator of Funko Pop. Toy exclusives from Solid Toys, RLux Custom, Armored Komodo, Devil Toys, Omo Collectibles and more than 50 other Designer toy artists will also be available. I’ll at least take a look at them, and save pictures. Maybe something will show up that I will be willing to spend my funds on? I can only hope.

Voltes V Display

Also, there will be a celebration of the Philippines favorite super robot, Voltes V. Telesuccess Productions, the producer of Voltes V: Legacy will be revealing a twenty foot Voltes V Legacy display at Toycon. And since GMA Network is celebrating its 74th anniversary, expect cast members from the GMA series to show up at the event. Of course, you’re sure to have other Voltes V displays at the event grounds as well.

Speaking of displays, there will be a lot more of these toy displays from your favorite pop culture characters. Whether these be from local cultural icons or foreign, there will be people showing their own collections from Darna to Wonder Woman to Arcee. Want to find out exactly which characters will have a toy display? Visit ToyCon to find out.

ToyCon is also a venue for cosplayers of different fandoms to share their love of their favorite characters. It’s always a visual feast when the cosplay community graces ToyCon. So, be ready with your cameras for photo ops. The photos will surely add more layers to your digital or physical pop culture collection.

There will also be displays, and spotlight presentations for upcoming movies. Some of the movies lined up include “Alien vs. Predator: Romulus”. “A Quiet Place: Day One”, “Deadpool and Wolverine”, “Friendly Fire”, “Horizon: An American Saga”, “Inside Out 2”, and “Transformers One”. Of these movies, I’m most looking forward to the Alien movie, and the Transformers movie, being a long-time Transformers fan. So, if you’re a movie buff, there’s also something for you at ToyCon.

Last but not the least, visiting the toy marketplace is a MUST for me. I enjoy the hunt even if eventually I don’t find anything I need. The interactions I get from sellers, and collectors are priceless. These interactions also provide you with some networking opportunities. In fact, I’ve made a lot of friends at previous ToyCons who are still part of my life now. It’s an excellent opportunity to create more ties in a community that I love.

ToyCon 2024 has many activities to offer to fans on this side of pop culture. These are just the ones that I will hunt down and participate in. Find out more about ToyCon and what caters to you by checking out their official social media sites where you can find them. See you there.

‘The Flash’: Five Things I Liked about the Movie

It’s about time I wrote this review, and it’s a bit late just like Barry Allen usually is (See what I did there?). The story of ‘The Flash’ was based loosely on FLASHPOINT penned by Geoff Johns which was a huge crossover event over at DC when it first came out. By now a lot of things have been said about how ‘The Flash’ has done badly at the box office. I saw it before the box office returns, and I had an enjoyable experience watching it. So, this review will focus on the parts that I like about the film. If you are up to that, then read on.

Batman in Cruise Control

The first story element that I like from ‘The Flash’ is the return of Michael Keaton as Batman. For those of you who are unaware of it, Keaton last played the roll of Batman in 1992 with ‘Batman Returns’. He hasn’t really lost a step when it comes to playing the Dark Knight, and had some familiar lines reminiscent of his time wearing the cowl in the 90s. He’s a sight for longtime DC fans, and his appearance there adds a lot of nostalgia to a modern superhero film.

The Flash

I also enjoyed the use of the Speed Force in the film. The Flash is the fastest man alive, and using the Speed Force to explain his time traveling abilities is very apt. Even though Mark Waid wasn’t mentioned in the credits for the movie, the Speed Force is an integral part of Flash lore. It’s also the reason why he needs to eat a lot to recover his lost energy (though this is something that is more taken up with Wally West’s version of The Flash). And, yes, the Speed Force allows to do some crazy things with his speed including time travel.

Batman, Flash, and Supergirl

There is also some ‘farewell’ appearances from the Snyderverse Justice League. There are a lot of arguments for, and against Zack Snyder’s iteration of the league. Personally, there are a few films that I like with his handling including his four hour cut of ‘Justice League’. This is probably the last time we’ll be seeing these iterations of Batman, Wonder Woman, and even Alfred together. If you’re a fan of these characters (for me it’s Wonder Woman), then this the chance to send them off to comic book movie history.

Batman, The Flash, and Supergirl

Fourthly, I loved seeing the DC Multiverse through the Speed Force. There’s a lot of nostalgia there from old DC properties including one iteration by Nicolas Cage of Superman that never came to be. What these glimpses of alternate versions do is stress that these iterations of iconic DC superheroes are around somewhere in a multiverse of timelines. Where will the multiverse take us next? I suppose that’s up to the regime of James Gunn, and company.

Finally, and this is probably the only element taken from the Flashpoint comic book, there is Barry’s going back in time to change history. Barry decides to save his mother from murder. By doing so, he hopes not only to save his mother, but to also save his father from imprisonment. As he does that, the timestream starts to unravel the multiverse, and Barry doesn’t really get the outcome he wanted. It was not executed as grandly as it did in the comics (which led to the New 52), but it has a valid point that hits home to many who can relate. By movie’s end, Barry realizes that there are parts of your past that define you, and if changed will affect who you are: good, and bad. It’s such a nice message to move forward in spite of past tragedies to build a better version of yourself. Barry learns that the hard way.

These are my thoughts on the ‘The Flash’. Agree with me? Disagree with me? Let me know in the comments. ‘The Flash’ is now showing in theatres.

DC Fandome 2021: My Top Five Major Takeaways

It came and went like a Flash of Shazam! Yeah I’ve been waiting to say that. Long enough to give you loads of information. Short enough to keep you wanting for more. DC Fandome gave us a glimpse of what is to come for all things DC. And yet, with all the news and fan service, there are some news that are better than others. I’m sure there will be some people who would question my list. However, note that this is MY LIST. So, if you disagree with it or highly agree with it, check mine out. Here are my TOP FIVE takeaways from DC Fandome.

At number five, we have ‘Catwoman: Hunted’. In celebration of Catwoman’s 80th anniversary, DC has decided to give her a film all her own. Selina Kyle has been one of DC Comics’s longest anti-heros, and has appeared in many media. It’s fitting that she gets her own animated film for the first time. Why is this so groundbreaking for me? Normally you get material spearheaded by the DC Trinity. In this case, you have a female character (not Wonder Woman OR Harley) heading this film. It comes as a surprise for me, and I am glad for it. Gives me hope that one day we’ll have a Zatanna project in the works (MAKE IT HAPPEN!).

At number four, we have the Peacemaker series on HBO MAX. I’ll be honest, I really don’t like Peacemaker for the Suicide Squad. That film was awesome mind you, but I’ve always seen Peacemaker as a solo operator or at the very least a member of Checkmate (look it up DC Fans). So, seeing this series come into fruition just shows how Warner Brothers is allowing other DC characters to spread their wings. Though, it helps that you have geek fans of the property in the form of John Cena and James Gunn heading the reigns of this series. Also, you have Vigilante here as a supporting character who appears pretty comic book accurate. Time to give ‘peace a fuc@ing chance. Speaking of fans…

At number three, we have ‘Black Adam’. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnshon has been pushing for this movie since time immemorial. You can see the passion in his eyes when he talks about the ‘man in black’. We’ve seen very little of the film so far. That is not the case for Fandome. We got a visual feast with a reveal of Black Adam in his costume AS PART OF a clip for the upcoming movie next year. I’m hyped more than ever with this news and video.

At number two, we have ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths (2?). In the build-up to DC Fandome, visual artist god, Jim Lee, has been revealing pieces to a puzzle that were completed at DC Fandome. Combined we see an homage cover to the seminal Crisis on Infinite Earths cover by George Perez. In the image above you notice that the frames are not the same, but depict similar concepts. Also, during the interview with Jim Lee most of the dalogue was censored teasing what the image actually means. I’m going to give a shot at this as to what this all means. Quite recently, Darkseid has returned to his villanous ways, and stories across the comics have been hinting on an incoming ‘crisis’ Also, this year marks the 35th anniversary of ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’. Could this be the next major storyline for DC Comics? One can only hope, and if the image given above is any indication it will be EPIC. This was actually a very sneaky bit of news mostly lost in the shuffle of all the other media shown. However, let’s remember that everything DC springs from the comic books. This story, if it happens, will just give more material for other related media. This news would be in fact number one if not for my choice for number one on this list.

At number one, we have ‘Young Justice: Phantoms’. It’s here! The fourth season of Young Justice has made an appearance in DC Fandome. I’m not kidding. DC Fandome gave us the FIRST EPISODE of ‘Young Justice: Phantoms’. While all other things DC gave us sneak peeks, behind the scenes updates, and trailers; ‘Young Justice: Phantoms’ gave us the first episode to watch ahead of the season. This is the animated series with layered storytelling, and in-depth chaaracter development. It’s focus is on the legacy characters without alienating fans of the comic books while providing new material for followers of the series alone to not be alienated as well. You have a rich source of DC comic book lore all fabricated by some of the most brilliant minds in DC’s creative pool. Of course, it helps that the animation is drop-dead gorgeous, and the voice actors knock it out of the ballpark. How else could I not put this at the top of my list?

And, that’s all for DC Fandome. Agree with me or disagree? Let me know in the comments below.

DC’s Injustice: A Dark Side of Superman

Finally, this long-awaited animated feature has become available, and it doesn’t disappoint. For those familiar with the video game, you already know the premise to this movie. For those who don’t, let’s just say it’s the flip side of Superman’s decision in the seminal Kingdom Come series written by Mark Waid and illustrated by Alex Ross. Though people tend to compare him here with Omni-man as he appears in Invincible, he is more of like Plutonian in the comic book Irredeemable also written by Mark Waid (hmm…).

What would happen to Superman if Lois Lane were murdered? This movie answers that question, and provides a side of Superman probably only seen in the darkest corners of the elseworlds universe. And, the film paints a scary picture. As is found in many epic Superman stories, the movie wouldn’t be complete without the presence of the other two members of the DC Trinity: Batman and Wonder Woman. Having said that, ‘Injustice’ also includes an array of supporting super hero characters that form part of the DC comics mythos with most of them coming from the Justice League bevy of characters.

With the characters set, and the premise plotted, we get to see how far Lois’s death can darken (strenghten?) the moral compass of the Man of Steel. The result is a police state not far from the imagination of Batman himself, though one can argue that a Superman police state is far scarier than one envisioned by the Dark Knight himself. Most especially since Superman has the raw power to carry it out without need of a lot of prep time. As we see just how far Superman can take his new moral compass, we can also see the heroes themselves take sides on the world Superman wants to enforce. There is no in-between here as battle lines are well-defined, and even Superman gets help from an unexpected, but unsurprising source.

Amidst the chaos, and destruction there is an apt order established; and one wonders if this is the way the way the world should have always been from the beginning yet it took so long to realize. However, even though the title of the film reveals its nature, let us not forget that this is still a Superman story, and the very best Superman stories are when he is at his best. This is the question the movie seeks to answer with its resolution: what indeed is the best version of Superman?

The answer is found in the vast multiverse that is the DC mythology though the answer still posits more questions. In the end, it is Superman himself who decides if this injustice done to him is worth the price of his ideal Earth or betrays the memory of his wife Lois. Even if the video game doesn’t provide any real ending to this madness, the film does provide the closure warranted. And, Superman is revealed as the hero we deserve even from the darkest depths of his soul. However, you still get to wonder how long before this tragedy happens again in the vastness of the DC Multiverse. Still, ‘Injustice’ shows Superman as he is: the best of everything we hold dear.

Wonder Woman 1984: A Spoilerless Review

There are no shortcuts to success. That is the message that the film conveys at the onset, and it permeates throughout the film. Though this sequel proceeds, albeit a few decades in time after its predecessor, Wonder Woman 1984 has its own voice, and it takes Diana on a voyage of self-reconciliation amidst the backdrop of man’s world that she is now completely immersed. Joining Gal Gadot in her journey as Wonder Woman are actors Pedro Pascal who plays Maxwell Lord, a self-professed businessman on the cusp of greatness, and Kristen Wiig who portrays Barbara Minerva, and later Cheetah. Both Maxwell Lord and Cheetah are well-known characters in DC comic book lore. Maxwell Lord and Cheetah, though they play the parts of antagonists to Wonder Woman, help Diana reconcile some inner pains experienced in the first Wonder Woman movie. Reprising his role as Steve Trevor, Chris Pine provides ample fuel to the outcome of Diana’s self-reconciliation. However, Steve’s ‘resurrection’ comes in a manner not even hinted on in the promotional trailers.

If you are a DC comic book reader, you might get surprised with the film’s depiction of Maxwell Lord and Cheetah. The story of Wonder Woman 1984 takes liberties to both characters’ origins and even with their powers to come up with a unique pair of antagonists for Diana in this movie. The names might be the same, but the story of the characters are quite different from what fans are familiar with in the comic books. As to Steve Trevor’s return, there is a bit of wishful thinking involved here which lies at the core of Maxwell Lord’s, and even Barbara Minerva’s motivations. This leads to a most unanticipated twist in the story that creates the mayhem, and at the same time the crux for the movie’s resolution.

As the story progresses, we get to see Diana get what she wants to resolve her relationship with Steve. Similarly, we get to see Maxwell Lord and Barbara get their heart’s desire as well in the film. Or do they? This goes back to the very beginning of the story when Diana is made to understand that there are no shortcuts to success…which also includes her own happiness. Diana realizes this painfully, as she comes to a decision on how to resolve the return of Steve Trevor, and her love for him. Fortunately, Diana gets back to form in due time to vanquish the threat of Maxwell Lord, and Cheetah in a most unexpected way.

In the end, even with Diana’s resolute drive to once again save humanity from the pitfalls it has created, she cannot do it alone, and it is humanity itself who saves itself in its hour of need with Wonder Woman’s urging. The result is a realization by humanity that they can be the solution to the problems that they themselves created. It took a Wonder Woman for people to realize that, and follow Diana’s own sacrifice to save the day.

All in all, Wonder Woman 1984 is unlike the first film in form and substance. Viewers will appreciate it more if they focus what it provides rather than what it does not. Wonder Woman 1984 gives us a timely reminder that there are no shortcuts to success, and that we can be our own heroes in our own lives if we are willing to make the right choice.