Sandman Casting: Where is Doctor Destiny?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the Sandman series on Netflix is in production, and the fans are abuzz with the latest casting news that have been recently revealed. Below is what we know so far as to whcih actors will portray characters of Neil Gaiman’s seminal Vertigo series.

That’s a pretty good cast of characters with a few surprises. With the news of these actors portraying Sandman characters, a lot of people were asking where is Death? Death made her first appearance in issue 8 of Sandman entitled, ‘Sound of Her Wings’. A lot of people were looking for her considerint that the Corinthian was taking part in the series early even though the powerful nightmare made his first appearance much later than Death. It would only be natural to have her casted already, right? However, for me the MORE important question is ‘Where is John Dee?’

If you were to recall, Neil Gaiman himself revealed that they were currently filming the diner scene of the Sandman series. For fans familiar with this reference, this most undoubtedly involves ’24 Hours’, issue number six of the Sandman comic book where the diner scene takes place. In the comic book, the reason why that scene even takes place is because John Dee aka Doctor Destiny had Morpheus’s dreamstone. So you would’ve expected him to be one of the first characters to be casted, right? So where is he?

What follows next is pure speculation on my part. In the comic books, Sandman encountered characters the Justice League in issue 6, ‘Passengers’. Here he meets Mister Miracle and Martian Manhunter in order to locate John Dee who has Morpheus’s dreamstone. This was because Doctor Destiny was captured by the Justice League in the past and they had information on him in their data base. ‘Passengers’ is the issue that precedes ’24 Hours’, and it might just be that the Netflix series is distancing itself from DC comci book characters for whatever reason. Thus, no Mister Miracle, no Martian Manhunter, no Doctor Destiny. So, unless they later on announce a casting for John Dee, where does that leave the dreamstone?

Well, perhaps the focus of the first arc will deal heavily with Roderick Burgess who was cast. Maybe, aside from trapping Morpheus, he has the dreamstone. This would make perfect sense, and explain the absence of John Dee in the series. An epic battle for the dreamstone which leads to Morpheus’s triumph over Roderick Burgess would make for great storytelling.

For now, we can only wait and see how this continuing story of Sandman unfolds. I for one can’t wait for Sandman to finally come to life on Netflix. What do you think of my theory? Let me know in the comments.

24 Hours: a Nightmare of the Dream to Come

A few days ago, it was reported that filming on the Sandman series for Netflix was now on the diner episode as confirmed by Neil Gaiman himself. For those who are familiar with the comic book series, this most undoubtedly has something to do with ’24 Hours’, the sixth issue of the very first arc of Sandman, ‘ Preludes and Nocturnes’. The story of 24 hours takes place in a diner wherein the power of the dreamstone is used in a rather nightmarish fashion.

If it follows the Vertigo series pattern, then this would depict one of the most horrifying issues of the series that put the stamp on Sandman as a modern day horror comic book. This wouldn’t be surprising on the part of Gaiman to pull off to the same effect the comic book did. So far, Gaiman has consistently stayed true to the source material as much as possible as can be seen in his forays in Good Omens and American Gods.

What does this mean for the rest of the production of Sandman? Well, we can only speculate, but if the series follows the comic book pattern as it is hinting, then we will be in for a treat of some of the best horror fantasy stories that Vertigo Comics has to offer. Here’s hoping the Dream comes soon enough.

For now, for those who would like a better idea on what this diner story could look like, there is this fan made movie that shows us what ’24 hours’ is all about. This will have to do until Sandman finally makes its way to Netflix viewing. If the diner scene is as good as the fan film or better, then we will be treated to a dream come true indeed, albeit in nightmare form. Of course,this is what is to be expected of the Dream King.