The Sandman and Cowboy Bebop at TUDUM Netflix Global Event

I was able to attend the recent TUDUM Netflix Global Fan Event, and as much as I’d like to talk about some of my favorite running shows on the online platform that showed updates in the event ( Stranger Things and Cobra Kai come to mind), I’d rather focus on two upcoming shows that had me watching this event in the first place: The Sandman and Cowboy Bebop. Both Cowboy Beebop and The Sandman will be coming out with live-action series Cowboy Bebop is slated coming this November, while The Sandman has an as of yet unanounced release date. Lucky for me I was able to get a couple of screenshot images of both shows at the global event. So, let’s get the ball rolling, and onto what I picked up from the event.

For months back until today, we’ve had only interviews and a few set images on The Sandman. With TUDUM Netflix, a short video clip was shown of the series. In it we get to see Tom Sturridge as Dream…and it was a visual feast.

As you can see, there are quite a few bits of information coming from the images. One, you get to see Tom in AND out of costume as Dream trapped in a summoning circle. Two, Sandman’s pouch of dust is also shown in the second image. Third, we can see the Corinthian in the subs narrating the events of Dream’s confinement. Fourth, and most importantly to me, it was very striking how the video clip as highlighted in these images bears an uncanny resemblance to the pages of The Sandman: Master of Dreams, the very first issue of the seminal series. If these images from the TUDUM Netflix Global event are any indication, we are in for a series that literally takes its pages from the comic book itself. I myself am giddy with anticipation, and excitement.

Check out the entire video here:

As for Cowboy Bebop, there were a few images released for the series, and even confirmation for the soundtrack in the past. But, a big concern from a lot of fans was the exclusion of Ed from the series. Ed is the young computer hacker who became an essential part of the Beebop crew. Well, we have an update of the character’s status. It’s best that Ein shows you with the image below.

From Ein’s bowl, we can see that Ed HAS BEEN CAST, and we’ll just have to wait for the reveal of who plays Ed’s character when the show releases on November 16. However, this reveal wasn’t the only news we got from Netflix. We also got shown the opening credits to Cowboy Bebop. No words can describe how ecstatic I was to see it. Here are a few screenshots below.

What do you notice from the images? That’s right, this is an anime-acurate depiction of the original Sunrise opening in the 90s. I was givng this video a slow clap when it was done. Any concerns of the series being true to the source were dispelled with this opening.

You can see the full video here:

Needless to say, I was brought to near tears when I saw both videos of The Sandman, and Cowboy Bebop. The geek in me jumped for joy and my heart skipped several beats.

What do you think of the news on The Sandman and Cowboy Beebop? Let me know in the comments below.

24 Hours: a Nightmare of the Dream to Come

A few days ago, it was reported that filming on the Sandman series for Netflix was now on the diner episode as confirmed by Neil Gaiman himself. For those who are familiar with the comic book series, this most undoubtedly has something to do with ’24 Hours’, the sixth issue of the very first arc of Sandman, ‘ Preludes and Nocturnes’. The story of 24 hours takes place in a diner wherein the power of the dreamstone is used in a rather nightmarish fashion.

If it follows the Vertigo series pattern, then this would depict one of the most horrifying issues of the series that put the stamp on Sandman as a modern day horror comic book. This wouldn’t be surprising on the part of Gaiman to pull off to the same effect the comic book did. So far, Gaiman has consistently stayed true to the source material as much as possible as can be seen in his forays in Good Omens and American Gods.

What does this mean for the rest of the production of Sandman? Well, we can only speculate, but if the series follows the comic book pattern as it is hinting, then we will be in for a treat of some of the best horror fantasy stories that Vertigo Comics has to offer. Here’s hoping the Dream comes soon enough.

For now, for those who would like a better idea on what this diner story could look like, there is this fan made movie that shows us what ’24 hours’ is all about. This will have to do until Sandman finally makes its way to Netflix viewing. If the diner scene is as good as the fan film or better, then we will be treated to a dream come true indeed, albeit in nightmare form. Of course,this is what is to be expected of the Dream King.

Good Omens: The End of the World is Here

‘In the Beginning’ there was Crowley and Aziraphale in the Garden of Eden both doing what they do best. In the case of Crowley, he is the demon that tempted Eve to eat the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In the case of Aziraphale, he gave Adam his flaming sword to survive with Eve in the world outside of the Garden. A very odd couple, demon and angel, meet for the first time at the beginning of the world. This is such an interesting place to start a friendship considering their supposed natural enmity.

We also find out in this pilot episode of GOOD OMENS, ‘In the Beginning’ that God is a woman, and the Earth is a Libra. In fact, the creator of our story is God herself. She narrates that the Anti-Christ is coming and that the world has eleven years to live. And here’s where everything gets dicey for our angel and demon tandem. They don’t want the world to end. They love their life on Earth. Thus, they decide to do everything in their power to stop it.

Yet, Crowley has to deliver the child who would be the Anti-Christ to The Convent of the Chattering Order of St. Beryl where the baby boy is scheduled to be delivered to his new family, the Dowlings. Mr. Dowling is an American Cultural Attache, and the would-be Ender of the World was supposed to be switched with the Dowling’s original son. Instead, thanks to Mary Loquacious, the real mvp of this episode, gives them the male baby of the Youngs. And, it is the Youngs who get to raise the Anti-Christ while the original child of the Dowlings is left unaccounted. It’s confusing at first, but God as the narrator explains the switches quite well, and compares the occurrence to a card trick.

As a result, we have Warlock growing up under the care of the Dowlings while Adam grows up under the care of the Youngs. Both Heaven and Hell believe that the Anti-Christ is living with the Dowlings in rich confort when in fact he is living in the suburban life of the Youngs. For eleven years, both sides where monitoring the wrong child.

And what of Aziraphale? What is his part in this problem? He agrees with Crowley to help raise Warlock (who they both believe is the Bringer of Armageddon) so that he ends up not ending the world. So, we have Aziraphale joining the Dowling household as a gardener while Crowley becomes Warlock’s Nanny. They both raise him to know about good(in the case of Aziaraphale) and evil (in the case of Crowley). It just gets hilarious when they realize on Warlock’s eleventh birthday that he is not the Anti-Christ. Why is that? Because the Hell Hound scheduled to visit Warlock on his eleventh birthday and initiate his powers did not arrive. Crowley and Aziraphale realize that they’ve been raising the wrong child.

While Crowley and Aziraphale are at a loss, the Hell Hound finds its way to Adam, the true Bringer of Armageddon. Part of his growth in power is naming the Hell Hound. With Adam, also celebrating his eleventh birthday, are the ‘Them’. These are Adam’s close friends and we will get to see them more as the series progresses. So, Adam names the Hell Hound…’Dog’. The vicious creature from the Pits of Hell transforms into this cute dog, and runs towards Adam with all its cuteness. It is at this point that the first chapter of this series ends.

GOOD OMENS is really some of the best writing of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett translated to the small screen. For those of you who are worried if this would end up as an acceptable interpretation of the book, you can relax a bit. Neil Gaiman is executive producing and is writing the series as well. Yes, all the jokes are here. All the dead pan humor is present. The End of the World is just a funny sight to behold with Crowley and Aziraphale handling the reigns.

So far, the GOOD OMENS series has all the charm and hilarity of the book. When I watch it, I’m reminded of the HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY that came out a few years back. It’s British humor but instead of the science fiction you have an urban fantasy setting. If you’re a fan of this sort of writing as I am, this series is for you. It’s funny. It’s intelligent. It’s the End of the World, and you will laugh about it.

‘In the Beginning’ gives you an idea what to expect with the GOOD OMENS series. The humor is intelligent as it pokes at the idea of a wrongly scripted Armageddon. The series updates some of the elements found in the book to fit the modern day setting. However, this does not affect brilliant narrative that GOOD OMENS provides. Prepare yourselves. The End of the World is here, and it’s a funny sight to behold.