‘The Social Dilemma’: A Timely Documentary on our Virtual Community

You are the product. These words stuck to me as I was watching this new documentary on Netflix on social media platforms. With insights from former engineers, executives and employees from some of the well-known social media platforms, we get an inside look at what is wrong with the current online social media community. The documentary provides some disturbing thoughts on how these social media platforms shape our way of thinking and our emotional health.

Talk about entering the matrix, we might already be there. The documentary does not deny the benefits of social media platforms and other online tools in creating a lush source of information at our fingertips. On the contrary, the original purpose of these online sites was to provide solutions to our information and connectivity needs. However, there are moral concerns that come into play with the power of social media. ‘The Social Dilemma’ brings to the forefront these ethical concerns that should be taken alongside the benefits of social media platforms.

‘The Social Dilemma’ is quite timely considering we are all living in a time of Covid-19. Unlike before that most have an option to unplug at a whim, the current global environment relies on the internet and these social media platforms for survival. Connectivity online is no longer a luxury. It has become a necessity. The documentary raises the importance of accountability needed with these social media platforms and the information they have at their fingertips. Yes, these platforms are free to use. This leaves one to wonder who really benefits from their use. The answer is simple: nothing is free. Everything comes with a price. ‘The Social Dilemma’ shows us the price we pay for using these free services.

Aside from raising ethical concerns, the documentary provides viewers options on how to combat the negative impact of social media. However, these options in the current global environment seem to be less of an option if we want to protect ourselves from the pandemic brought about by Covid-19. Consider the youth of many nations whose only option for continued learning involves going online using these social media platforms. One cannot simply unplug for the alternative is to stop online schooling. Even for those who are allowed to work, albeit from home, do not have that option of unplugging readily available. These situations further underpin the timeliness of this documentary for anyone who has access to it.

‘The Social Dilemma’ is a documentary of our times. The concerns brought to light are not mere conjecture, and they come from experts in the field. If these former creators, engineers and employees raise questions on the use of social media platforms; if these people clamor for more accountability; and if they see a growing problem at the hear of social media….shouldn’t we be concerned as well?