Free Comic Book Day 2019

I remember the time when knowledge of Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) in the Philippines was delivered by word of mouth. It was a small celebration back then. There were few comic books with the FCBD label. It was a way of getting people to be interested in a medium that, though it was part of pop culture, wasn’t so popular that you would recognize the people in the community who would attend. That is not the case nowadays, and the simple celebration of a once niche medium has become an institution.

This year, FCBD has become an event flocked to by a great number of comic book fans. I usually line up to get my comics at the Comic Odyssey Galleria Branch. When Comic Odyssey opened its branch at Fully Booked at Bonifacio High Street, that’s where I go to get my free comics. And boy was I surprised this year to see the lines snake around longer than in previous years. The reason behind this increase? The influx of comic book related properties that has flooded visual media allowed for comic books to be part of normal everyday experiences. Comic book stories and characters can be seen on television, in movies, online and in advertisements which has spawned a greater awareness to promote a once cloistered medium of entertainment. Don’t get me wrong, comic books were never isolated from the general populace to begin. However, the current environment has expanded comic books reach to a much wider audience. The result: FCBD has become an established cultural staple. And I for one and happy to see the community grow in ways it has never grown before.

It no longer was a simple gathering for people to get their free comics. It has become an avenue for fans to celebrate their love for these characters and comic books in general. FCBD has elevated itself to a yearly convention that everyone looks forward to attending.

A lot of purists would complain that the community has become too mainstream and diluted. I’m not complaining. This is how the medium flourishes beyond survival. The fact that more people are interested in these characters and stories I’ve grown to love ensures that comic books will have a long and prosperous future that is no longer limited to the four corners of the comic book. FCBD has shown that comic book fandom is a living breathing creature that continues to grow as awareness of comic book content increases.

If anything, I’m just happy that people are appreciating comic books more now and FCBD is proof of that. The growth of the medium is a welcome sight to fans who enjoy this genre of modern literary fiction. The positive reception to FCBD is proof that comic books as a cultural art form will have a healthy future for a very long time. Excelsior!

The Price of Admission: Summer Komikon 2019

One of the biggest if not THE biggest comic book conventions that highlight Philippine creators, SUMMER KOMIKON has been around for a while now. It boasts a gathering of the up-and-coming to the old guard. Let’s see if at the price of 150 pesos, it is worth the visit on a hot summer Saturday.

Upon entering the convention grounds, you know what event is all about as you are greeted by the sight of comic books of different forms. It doesn’t matter if these are from local or foreign publishers. You name it, and it’s most likely there.

But, comic books have extended its influence into other media. The artists expand into other art forms that highlight their skills. Nowadays, that is not such a unique phenomenon. So as you go around the convention grounds, you will find other forms of visual content. From prints to posters and even t-shirts. When you go around, you’ll find something that’ll catch your eye.

Because it is a convention, the booths aren’t the only highlight. If you look at the PA screen at the center of the con, it’ll direct you to more activities to view, visit, or participate.

Also, you can attend one of the scheduled talks. This allows patrons to increase their knowledge of the comic book industry in the Philippines. And, there is a lot to discuss with the fans. Take your pick and there will be a topic you’ll enjoy.

Or, you can just go around and meet some of our local creators. You might even be lucky enough to get a commissioned artwork from them. This show of support goes a long way.

There really was a lot to do at the event. In spite of the summer heat, I stayed for about two three hours, and it was well worth the visit. I could’ve stayed longer, but that would be tempting the faith of my wallet. If you were lucky enough to go, then you are most definitely fortunate. For 150 pesos, I can barely think of better things to do. The investment was worth it.

This convention gives our local comic book creators some love. SUMMER KOMIKON is a celebratory gathering of the Philippine comic book industry. Its reach is from the grass roots up to the highest level of the industry. If you’re a comic book lover or enthusiast(or both), summer would not be complete without a visit to this beautiful convention. Put it on your calendars in the future. SUMMER KOMIKON will be around for a very long time.