Something Truly Super is Happening in ‘Superman and Lois’

Superman, Lois, and their Sons for 'Superman and Lois'

If you aren’t watching ‘Superman and Lois’ yet, you’re missing something really super. The first season was a beautiful series in itself. However, this second season so far is a strong argument for you to continue watching, and for everyone else not watching to join this super hero family in their journeys. Warning though, there are SPOILERS in this article. If spoilers don’t bother you…up, up, and away!

Superman Ready to Engage in Combar

From the onset, ‘Superman and Lois’ has established itself to be a family series aside from it being a story about super heroes. That is entrenched in the series’s DNA, and this has been further established this season. The Kent siblings are growing, and there is that continuing balance of Clark being parent, and being the greatest super hero on Earth. For one, Natalie, the daughter of John Henry Irons and Lois from another Earth, is now here. The new dynamic between Lois, and Natalie has proven to be interesting so far which adds to the already complex dynamic of the Kent household. The family elements are not a side story to ‘Superman and Lois’. In fact, thest story elements go hand-in-hand with what makes this series so special.

With new interpersonal challenges in ‘Superman and Lois’, the story sets the stage for new personal challenges for Superman. He has been for the longest time been Earth’s greatest super hero. However, this season his authority has been challenged by the very people who he protects. Superman’s loyalty has always been to the Earth first, and the United States a close second. This has led to test of loyalty for Superman who has been put on the spot to profess primary loyalty to the United States. The political dilemma leads to all sorts of plots including the creation of ‘new’ superman using the Superman emblem. If Superman can’t put his home country first, then it will find other ways to support its goals. I’m quite intrigued where this will all lead actually.

Son (Jordan), Fathe (Superman)r and Brother (Morgan Edge).

Then, there is also Superman’s relationship to his brother Morgan Edge aka Tal-Rho. As if the family dynamic wasn’t complicated enough, Kal’s brother adds to the mix. Both family, and foe, Morgan Edge adds another layer to the interpersonal relationships highlighted in ‘Superman and Lois’. How much is Superman willing to toe the line with his Kryptonian Kin? So far it hasn’t paid dividends, and Tal-Rho has consistently stabbed Kal-El in the back. Though, the situation might change with the coming of…

Bizarro Superman

…Bizarro Superman. I really liked the play on the expectations of the audience here. The hints were all there that this should be Doomsday, another famous Superman villain. Instead, we get Bizarro Superman, and I coudln’t be happier. Why? This means that the story writers of ‘Superman and Lois’ are really taking us into uncharted territory while using comic book lore to their advantage. This reminds me a lot of the approach of Young Justice which does not find itself inhibited by comic book canon. Instead, ‘Superman and Lois’ used these comic book story elements to tell their own story…and that’s what makes this series really super.

Superman aka Kal-El taking to Morgan Edge aka Tal-Rho

So, if you haven’t been watching ‘Superman and Lois’, it might be time to jump onboard. You’ll be treated to something truly…SUPER. ‘Superman and Lois’ is showing on the CW Network.