The Price of Admission: Anime and Cosplay Expo 2019

This is my first ANIME AND COSPLAY EXPO, and I paid in advance. With all the hype, let’s see if it was worth the money I paid for it. Shall we begin?

The lines for this event was insanely atrocious, but even there you could already get an idea of what the event was going to be like. Cosplayers were already lined up and raring to go.

Upon entry, you get more cosplaying and the media that inspire them. There is no cosplaying without the source material and there are many of them to go around. Just take a look at these beauties.

If you’re there to just make purchases, there’s enough to go around. The items vary and cover many different anime genres. Take your pick because there was a lot to choose from. The items range from action figures to prints.

Then of course, it is an anime AND cosplay event, so there are a lot of costumed fans going around. And these are the first few that greeted me.

The ambiance was set with the displayed merchandise and cosplayers. The background music hailed from different anime soundtracks. Some of them were familiar to me, the rest were completely alien to me. That’s okay. With the amount of anime out there, it would be very difficult to keep track of every one of them. The beauty of the event is to encounter new genres and explore those that create interest in you. And there a lot of cosplayers that pop up to inspire you to explore the possibilities.

Of course, even the hosts got into the act. I mean, they’re the event hosts. Do you honestly think, they wouldn’t cosplay for the event? However, they took it up a notch by also performing for the event. Like this cute number here.

Indeed, the ANIME AND COSPLAY EXPO 2019 was a celebration for fans by the fans. And, I think that is what’s important. There are so many events that do not get the pulse of the fandom, and what it needs. This event did, and the fans are reaping the benefits.

So, is the event worth the entrance I paid for it? I shelled out P229 pesos. I stayed for about four hours. Got a lot of pictures. Found some new anime that I might consider watching. Still cheaper than a movie nowadays. Hell ya it’s worth it! I’ll be looking forward to more events of this kind in the future. Congratulations to the organizers for an entertaining ANIME AND COSPLAY EXPO 2019. I hope to visit again next year. For now, I’ll see the back of you with many fond memories.