Masters of the Universe Revelation Part Two: The Return of Magic

Ask long-time fans of this property, and you will find a great number of them were shocked with some being incensed with the revelations shown in part one of this animated series. Many thought it would be a retelling. Others thought it would be nostalgically more of the same. Few expected (or even wanted) a continuation of the story of Eternia that would focus on Teela and the death of He-Man. With part two of ‘Masters of the Universe Revelation’ we get to see why the series headed in that direction as it sets up a bigger universe for future stories.

Storytelling-wise, who would be stupid enough to resurrect Adam to later on kill him again? Not Kevin Smith. That would be bad storytelling basics. In fact, when I saw the possibility of Adam’s death at the end of part one, I was more intrigued than disappointed. Albeit, the intrigue was tempered with caution, and I was willing to see where this all led. With the now completed story of ‘Masters of the Universe Revelation’, we can see how the magic was returned in grandiose fashion.

One aspect of the part one that was found lacking was the absence of Skeletor as voiced by Mark Hamill. Skeletor’s screen time in part two was much welcomed in sight and sound. Mark Hamill truly portrays Skeletor as the funny maniacal villain he has always been. With Skeletor’s return we also have He-Man/Adam. The constant bickering between these two rivals reminded me partly of what made this series so great in the past. These two characters have experienced their own transformations in this series that expanded on their character growth. However as already proven, ‘Masters of the Universe Revelation’ doesn’t rest on its laurels. It takes this story of good vs. evil to newer and greater heights.

The decission to focus on Teela for magic’s return to Eternia is now revealed in part two’s story arc. Heir apparent to the secrets of Grayskull, she now is called upon to wear some heavy shoes (wings?). Though as is the case for ‘Masters of the Universe Revelations’, Teela finds a different way of practicing her stewardship of magic. There is a metatext in this decision that rings true for this series: why restrict when we can expand? As such, Teela grows into her birthright with the same role, but with a more expanded reach.

Aside from character development, one of part two’s strengths lies in the nature of power. Pure power can be terrifiying. It destroys anything in its path with no rhyme nor reason. However, the magic of Grayskull isn’t just about power. It’s power tempered by wisdom. Without wisdom, power only seeks to destroy and rule. With wisdom, the weilder of power is guided to better decisions, AND the willingness to share this power with others. More so, true power lies in a person willing to relinquish it with the wisdom that it will return when needed. This is shown with much detail in ‘Masters of the Universe Revelation’.

With magic returned to Eternia, the series ends with a not-so subtle cliffhanger of what to expect next. Skeletor remains the great evil of Eternia, but he is not the only one in the universe. Expect future installments of ‘Masters of the Universe Revelation’ to continue on expanding the reach of its magic beyond Eternia for the honor of Grayskull (wink). ‘Masters of the Universe Revelations’ is streaming on Netflix.

5 thoughts on “Masters of the Universe Revelation Part Two: The Return of Magic

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