Cobra Kai Season 3: A Spoilerless Review

Netflix really loves its 80s shows and ‘Cobra Kai’ is no exception. Taking off directly after season two ends, we see the repercussions of actions and decisions made immediately. Of these repercussions, Miguel and Johnny are seen to get hit the most at the onset, but they aren’t the only ones to feel the sting of the events that happened in the last episode of season two. Miguel loses a lot while Johnny loses more than expected while the entire season moves to regaining at least some of that loss, and these two provide support to each other in order to get each other back to form. The pairs continued father-son relationship lies at the core of this series, and this is seen in full display more so now when the chips are down for both Miguel and Johnny. But, there’s is not the only road to redemption arc in the series.

As the season progresses, we also get to see what happens to Tory and Robby as they too are heavily hit by the events of last season. Unlike Miguel and Johnny, Tory and Robby are seen early trying to avoid the consequences of their actions in season two. Tory evades them due to help from a very unlikely source while Robby faces the brunt of the consequence from someone he expected to help him out. In both cases, the scars of last season run deep and fester into an emotional wound that continues to grow up until the season’s end. Both of these characters find themselves on the same side, though arguably probably not on the side that viewers would want.

That’s not to say that the LaRussos aren’t gravely affected by what happened last season. Far from it. Daniel discovers a secret that jeopardizes his family life, and he goes on a much needed hiatus to a place familiar to fans of the Karate Kid movies. There he discovers the key to getting back on his feet, and a secret from his former mentor’s past coming from a former rival and former love interest. This leads Daniel on a path of rediscovery as he returns back home with new knowledge for the battles ahead. On the other hand, his daughter, Sam, remains distraught with the events of last season, and her trauma lingers throughout the season. It is only near the end that she learns to face the source of her trauma, and hopefully she gets to carry her newfound confidence into season four.

These aren’t the only upheavals we see from our favorite characters. Hawk and Demitri both lose something in this season as well, but they gained something in return, and if you’re a fan of the lost friendship of these two characters, you will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome of season three. At the foreground, we find out more about Kreese’s past, and his motivations for doing what he does. In fact, most of season three covers material on John Kreese never before seen in the ‘Karate Kid’ movies nor past season’s of ‘Cobrai Ka’i. With this, he is humanized in a way unknown to most characters in the series so far save for maybe one. And that person is only hinted on appearing in season four. The setup for the appearance of another movie character is undeniable for those keen-eyed viewers able to notice the hints.

Season three of Cobra Kai ends with a compromise that both Daniel and Johnny come to in order to face a greater evil. Little do they know that their decision may not be enough as a new player might entire to foil their newfound common goal. Will it be enough or will it be too little? Those are answers left for the next season.

There are a lot of surprise characters appearing in this season, similar to the way characters from ‘Karate Kid’ movie lore have appeared in ‘Cobra Kai’ in the past. However, season three took this three notches up, and for those who have seen the earlier spoilers on character appearance, you will know who I mean. For those who haven’t, prepare to wax nostalgia for longtime fans of the franchise, and, for those who are new, prepare to enrich your existing appreciation of ‘Cobra Kai’.

For ‘Cobra Kai’ is all about the nostalgia, but unlike ‘Stranger Things’ this series takes the 80s feel to the current era, and this magical mix of past and present expands the fandom to a much wider audience. ‘Cobra Kai’ is a beautiful, funny and entertaining series about redemption, something it got from the original ‘Karate Kid’ movies. Even in season three, not all hope is lost for characters who’ve been hit hard by life, including Kreese. However, the characters are left to decide whether they move forward while overcoming their fear, or let their fear take them on a different path.

‘Cobra Kai’ season three is now streaming on Netflix.

4 thoughts on “Cobra Kai Season 3: A Spoilerless Review

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