Fearsome Five: The Top Western Comic Book Series Adaptations of 2020

So we are near the end of another year, and I can’t help but write this article as it ends. Makes me wonder why I haven’t written anything like this before, but that’s water under the bridge. I present to you my top five best comic book series adaptation of 2020. As the title suggests, this is for comic books meaning WESTERN material. Otherwise, I’d have have included manga adaptations, and other material from the eastern part of the world. In making the list I did not distinguish between animated or live action features. If it’s good then it’s good. Period. Another caveat is that these include series that I was watching. So, if your favorites aren’t in here I probably dropped them or wasn’t interested in viewing them. That’s enough of my disclaimers. We begin my list with…..

At number five, we have Harley Quinn. When Harley Quinn first came out, there was a lot of uproar for making it an R-rated show. Surely, there are children who would love to watch the show, right? When you view the material, you’ll understand why this is the case, and the show is better for it. Even in the comic books, Harley had themes bordering on PG. This is not Young Justice. The rating just allows Harley and its show runners to tell its stories the best way that it can. And tell it well they did. From the saving of the world to Harley and Ivy’s budding relationship, this series captures the essence of a Harley Quinn story. Naysayers be damned. Yes, the series is not for children, but fans of the material will understand that this series provides elements of storytelling that could not have been done without the R rating. Sorry kids, this show isn’t for you, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great show. Speaking of R-ratings…

At number four we have Doom Patrol. Now this series was R-rated from the onset, taking its lead from the former Vertigo title from DC while incorporating elements of stories from other iterations of the comic book. In the aftermath of the group’s battle with Mr. Noboby, the Doom Patrol meets and now lives with Dorothy Spinner, The Chief’s daughter. Arguably one of the most powerful characters in the story, the second season shows us her powers, and the cost of having them. This is a weird horror science fiction dark comedy which fits well with the comic books Vertigo roots. Unfortunately, the season finale’s cliffhanger is the reason why this series is not higher in the list. Even still, the show is an excellent view to make my list.

At number three is Stargirl. Geoff Johns’ creation comes to life courtesy of well…Geoff Johns. This is not the only show Geoff Johns has executive produced, but this is one with his own original comic book character taking the titular role. What makes this show so special? It reintroduces the Justice Society of America in a way that not even the comic book does. Yes, it’s Americana at its finest. Look at Stargirl’s costume. You will also notice it in a lot of thematic elements of the show. But, it’s an excellent show with excellent storytelling. There is a lot of youthful exuberance that is balanced with discovery, and the measure of experience. Plus, those action scenes are pretty entertaining. This is a show that everyone can watch. Unlike this next one…

At number two, we have The Boys. I love Garth Ennis, and I love this adaptation. This second season is a lot better than season one. and it closes a lot of plot points left unresolved in the previous season. This satire and parody of the comic book superhero genre is bloody, graphic, foul-mouthed and all the more better for it. Unlike the other series on this list, there is no other way to tell The Boys that would be consistent to its source. Amidst the violence and graphic content, there are a lot of relationship themes and social commentaries reflective of our current real life situations. This would actually be number one on my list if not for a series from a galaxy far far away…

The Mandalorian is at the top of my list and is THE BEST comic book series of 2020. I have to be honest with you. This show was number two on my list, and I was ready to give The Boys the top spot. But, and this is a big BUT, episode 8 of season two put this show over the top. I was teary-eyed even before the end credits (and brought to tears AFTER the credits). This show has grown from a space western version of Lone Wolf and Cub to a rallying cry that unites the Star Wars fandoms, and invites everyone else to join in the fun. For a while now the fans have been divided due to recent moves by Disney on storytelling elements of the much-loved Star Wars franchise. What The Mandalorian was able to do was calm everyone down, and invite everyone back in. Hats off to Jon Favreau and Dave Filioni for masterfully showing us that you actually can create material that caters to long time fans while also opening Star Wars to a newer audience. May the Force continue to be with you both. This is the way.

Do you agree with my list? Share with me your comments.

16 thoughts on “Fearsome Five: The Top Western Comic Book Series Adaptations of 2020

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  12. […] course, the first itty-bitty detail about Boba Fett that started coming up in ‘The Mandalorian’ is: how did he even survive the Sarlacc Pit? This is answered in the series when he immerses […]


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