Young Justice Outsiders Continues

YOUNG JUSTICE OUTSIDERS returned last July 2 with three new episodes. Now before I continue, you might want to catch up on what to expect here. All caught up? Let’s boom tube our way to the updates then…

…We continue were we left off with three new episodes: ‘Influence’, ‘Leverage’, and ‘Illusion of Control’. We have a few new appearances in these three including Guy Gardner, The Rocket Reds, Big Barda, The Suicide Squad, and Granny Goodness in her Apocalytan Armor. Of these appearances I think the one of Big Barda will be important. Initially, she is out to kill Superman and the other members of the Justice League in space. However, she appears to have softened a bit when saved by Superman himself. In the comics, Big Barda starts out as a minion of Darkseid and Apocalypse. She turns to the heroic side soon after and joins the New Gods with her future husband Mister Miracle. So, we might be seeing Mister Miracle soon, and Barda’s eventual turning to the side of the heroes.

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Also, there are some continuing story arcs here with Tara aka Terra showing her spy self to Deathstroke while working smoothly with the Outsiders team against the Suicide Squad when they both discover the Rocket Reds base. Even Garfield aka Beast Boy’s return to service with the Young Justice team is an interesting story arc that continues his battle with being a celebrity under Granny Goodness’s guidance. However, the most important revelation came in ‘Illusion of Control’. We find out here that Violet aka Halo is partly responsible for the murder of Brion and Tara’s parents. Of course, this is all in the past since Violet is a different person altogether, but this memory affects Violet immensely, and it will be interesting to see how this will factor in with her developing relationship with Brion…not to mention her relationship with Tara.

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On a side note, there’s a funny Watchmen reference here, and it’s courtesy of Lex Luthor. While addressing the members of the United Nations, he mouths out, ‘Who watches the watchmen?’ This question is the tagline to Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ seminal book, ‘Watchmen’. I doubt we’ll see Dr Manhattan and company here, but it’s an intriguing reference to another DC Comics property.

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YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS continues by introducing new characters, and new revelations while providing more mysteries. There are a lot of hooks here for comic book fans, particularly DC comic book fans. For those who are fans of the series and not the comic books, you will not be disappointed as well. The intrigue is building as the story progresses beautifully. YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS is preparing us for a heavy title bout, and the universe is the prize. Boom tube your way to front row seats for this epic confrontation.

2 thoughts on “Young Justice Outsiders Continues

  1. […] be continuing to review YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS in thematic batches of three or four just like last time since the stories appear to be told in arcs anyway. So here we have a review of episodes seventeen […]


  2. […] see just how much fun Waid was having with the characters…and who wouldn’t. This is THE LEGION. Waid had his gamut of a variety of super powers to play with, and the personalities that came with […]


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