Swamp Thing: Worlds Apart

Warning: This post contains spoilers for ‘Worlds Apart’, episode 2 for SWAMP THING. Stop here if you want to maintain the mystery.

Last episode, I said that the Sunderlands had something to do wi th the virus that’s spreading across Marais. In ‘Worlds Apart’ we find that is partly true. Avery Sunderland is actually funding the research of Dr. Jason Woodrue who created the accelerant. This is the same substance that is being dumped in the swamps which is supposedly linked to the virus that is now plaguing Marais. Avery backed the research to help monetize the swamp to increase the revenue in Marais. Whether or not the virus is related to the accelerant has yet to be proven, but everything is pointing to that direction.

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Speaking of Dr. Jason Woodrue, those who are familiar with DC lore will know him as the Floronic Man. This is a staple opponent of Swamp Thing in the comic books. He isn’t transformed her yet, but if his story progresses like in the comic books, he will turning green as well.

Another comic book character who makes his debut in ‘Worlds Apart’ is Daniel Cassidy aka Blue Devil. In his early years, Blue Devil had his own comic book and his personality was somewhat comedic. Fast forward a few years later, and he was entrenched as part of DC’s arcane characters. Still funny, but fully immersed in his magical background.

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Abby visits Daniel Cassidy to look for any clues on Alec’s research. Alec Holland was living in Daniel’s home, and, since Abby was denied access to Alec’s lab by Avery earlier in the story, Abby had to find other sources of information elsewhere. So, that makes it two major DC character introduction in this episode.

Also in my last SWAMP THING review, I talked about how Susie Coyle could become Suzy, a character who makes regular appearances in the Black Orchid comics. It seems that the series is headed in that direction in some form. ‘Worlds Apart’ reveals a mental connection between Alec and Susie. If she isn’t going to be Suzy, she might be something like her. She feels what Alec feels which actually gets her into trouble. Wishing to help, Susie escapes the hospital to look for Alec Holland who is now transformed into this plant monster. She meets him, nearly gets murdered in the process, but is saved by Alec who is just discovering his powers as Swamp Thing.

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In the end, Susie escapes the swamp with Abby who went out to look for her as she escaped from the hospital. Abby has her second encounter with Swamp Thing. The kicker here is that she learns from Susie that the creature that is Swamp Thing has a name…Alec. Surprise, surprise.

There is one final surprise in ‘Worlds Apart’. It appears that Abby’s childhood friend and daughter of the Sunderlands, Shawna, has returned form the swamp where she died. Whether she is alive or dead (friend or foe) we’ll just have to wait and see. Not much is revealed of her motivations just yet, but she is back in Marais with an as of yet hidden agenda.

SWAMP THING is a different animal (plant?) from either TITANS or DOOM PATROL that came before it. ‘Worlds Apart’ digs deep into DC occult lore, and introduces some familiar faces to discerning comic book fans. If there is any doubt in the first episode of the kind of story SWAMP THING wishes to tell, it is made clearer here. This is a horror mystery delicately crafted into a beautiful bayou backdrop. You don’t mess with the environment, and SWAMP THING shows you what happens when you do. See for yourself, and you won’t be disappointed.

2 thoughts on “Swamp Thing: Worlds Apart

  1. […] interesting comic book reference is that pile of bugs animating the body of murdered Munson from last episode. If I’m not mistaken, that’s The Rot from Animal Man #1 of 2011. It’s a very new […]


  2. […] in the police station to a figure that is familiar to Swamp Thing comic book fans. As I mentioned way back, Dr. Woodrue’s could herald the appearance of the Floronic Man, a staple of Swamp Thing […]


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