Viewing Review: ‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ Part 3

Continuing my weekly recap on the series, here’s what the next three episodes were like for this week.  Needless to say, many SPOILERS ahead.

So, we finally get a glimpse of Vandal Savage and Darkseid in part 7, ‘Evolution’.  In it, we see the history that Vandal Savage and Darkseid has.  Turns out there was this deal struck between Vandal and Darkseid for the fate of the Earth and the Universe when Vandal was Genghis Khan. It explains a lot from the little tidbit we got from the end of season 2 years ago. Very devious. Very Vandal Savage.  Very Darkseid. And, I’m loving these puppeteers as they decide the fate of the universe. Here we also get to meet Vandal’s daugther, Cassandra.  I’m not sure if this is a reference to Scandal Savage in the comic books.  Though, Scandal is the only revealed daughter of Vandal Savage in the books.  She could change her name later.  As of now, she is learning the history of her father and his relationship to Darkseid.  But, if comic book patterns are to be followed, she’ll later renege from her father.  I’m hoping she does.  Our heroes will be needing all the help they can get with everything stacked against them.  Plus, she really gets to hand it out to her old man a lot in the comics, and I’d like to see that happen here.

We also find development among the ‘Outsiders’ and the relationship of Jefferson/Lighting and Dr. Helga Jace.  The new blood is being trained on Mount Justice by Dick, Artemis and Conner while Jefferson and the doctor get…personal.  And, the new blood get their super-hero code names: Halo, Geo-Force and, well, Forager.  I’m liking how they are being taught team dynamics by Dick and company.  That’s not to say that the Young Justice originals didn’t learn anything new.  They did, and I think this will make an excellent team dynamic moving forward.

In episode 8, ‘Triptych’, the plot thickens.  There are three separate missions chronicled in this episode.  We get to see Kaldur again (Yey!). Orphan, Cassandra Cain, appears (more Yey!), and a pair of startling revelations.  One,it appears that the ‘Light’ is using some nano-tech to control liberated super from a group called ‘Branchwater’ under the guidance of Simon Stagg.  This is all still connected to the ‘Light’ operations.  Two, and I think more importantly, we find out that the break up of the Justice League and Nightwing’s freelancing was all actually a ruse.  This was done to hide our heroes’ operations from the ‘Light’. To fight fire with fire. A source of ‘anti-light’ as Robin so aptly put it (another Darkseid reference!).  Everyone in the meeting (Nightwing, Oracle, Batman, Robin, Aquaman/Kaldur and Miss Martian) except for Diana appear to be on the same page that fighting in the shadows is the best course of action.  Shades(pun intended) of season two, but this time I don’t know how Dick’s team will take it when they find out they are being played.  Diana questions this in spite of the success they’ve had so far since all the shadow(One more) play is keeping the other leaguers, other heroes, in the dark(Sorry, last one).  Is ‘fighting fire with fire’ really how they want to play this? Diana so aptly put it, ‘And the rest of you…are you prepared to lie?’I think this will play out pretty interestingly later.  Sparks will fly if not a full scale firestorm, and we might see our heroes come to blow with each other. That will not be pretty, if it happens.

In the same episode, we also have a ‘Reach’ reference from episode two with the appearance of this strange machine that has an unknown function so far.  It’s headed back to storage in STAR Labs, and we might see more about its significance in the future.  Also, I’m thinking with the mention of Stagg Industries, the appearance of Metamorpho can’t be far behind.

The last episode for this week is episode 9, ‘Home Fires’.  Goode VR goggles? Granny Goodness?  How did I NOT see that coming.  With Granny Goodness on Earth as a the founder of the company creating these googles, yet another one of Darkseid’s minions has entered Earthly affairs.  It’s not enough you have G. Gordon Godfrey spreading mischief over mass media.  Now we have the Female Furies matron as Gretchen Goode spreading, I can only guess, her brand of mind manipulation using the goggles.  Then we see Queen Bee make an appearance.Also, LOBO!!! My main man is back in his hunting grounds!  Brion, Violet and Forager get schooled on the art of the surprise attack.  Later, Dick and company get to join them in being schooled.  It’s a fun episode that also reveals the family ties of a the Justice Leaguers.  We get our first introduction of Jonathan Kent(aka that other Superboy).  Lady Shiva appears as well to prevent a ‘nuclear option’ to kill the leaguers families initiated by Ocean Master.  Now she’s with the ‘Light’.  I’ve always loved that character.  Glad to see her make an appearance in what appears to be a significant role. As a enforcer to the ‘Light’ she’ll be scampering around cleaning up their mess.

Speaking of which, we get revealed to the seven standing members of the ‘Light’: Vandal Savage, Queen Bee, Klarion, Lex Luthor, Ultra-Humanite, Deathstroke and Lady Shiva herself.  The jigs up for Nightwing.  The ‘Light’ have found out his new team, and they’re not about to underestimate Dick and the Outsiders like they did the last time with him and his friends.  The secret is out, and they’ll be a target for immediate elimination from the board.  Though, I’m wondering if being discovered wasn’t part of the plan as well. Hmm…

Still no sign of Wally West.  Maybe I’m hoping against hope, but I’m sending out positive vibes  through the Speed Force that he will eventually show up.  For now, keep your Boom Tubes ready for next week’s triple feature. ‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ is getting better and better as we move towards the halfway point.





One thought on “Viewing Review: ‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ Part 3

  1. […] wait and see in the next episodes. Also, I’m happy that they had Barbara Gordon portrayed as Oracle. In my opinion, Oracle is one of the best modern characters in recent history in spite of, and […]


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